A perfect match

Longstanding partners

Germany and the Netherlands have always been partners in joint defence cooperations. What is good for Germany is good for The Netherlands and vice versa. We are committed to further strengthening the longstanding alliance in the future by collaborating in important strategic European programs.

There is a strong existing relationship between Germany and the Netherlands at the military level. In the field of naval cooperation, there is the bilateral Sea-Battalion and the use of the joint support ship Karel Doorman for the transport of personnel and materiel. In the field of Army cooperation, there is the Dutch 43rd Mechanized Brigade acting as an integral part of the German 1st Panzer Division and the mixed German Netherlands Tank Battalion, and joint work in the field of Cyber Security.

In April, the last remaining Dutch combat brigade has been integrated into the German Bundeswehr. The new assimilation created a combined force of 50,000 soldiers under German command. The Dutch-German brigade will benefit from joint purchases of equipment in a landmark move for both European military units.

With this remarkable step the Netherlands and Germany are leading the way to a European Defence Union. Submarine collaboration would further strengthen this relationship.

Neighbors: geographically and in culture

In the industrial field of cooperation, thyssenkrupp Marine Systems already has strong, existing relationships with several Dutch industry partners who work with us across the globe. Being so close, both geographically and in culture, is one of the key elements that make our collaboration with Dutch partners so successful.

"As a supplier, it's vital to be involved from the early stages of these projects, to be able to profile yourself as 'preferred supplier'. Such extensive project preparations require us to build a good working relationship, in which tkMS sees us more as a partner rather than just a supplier."

Ria Weijnen, Marketing & Communication Manager at Nedinsco

thyssenkrupp Marine Systems GmbH © 2025